Introducing the enchanting Princess and the Frog collectibles, featuring the beloved characters Tiana and Naveen! Immerse yourself in the magical world of Disney's classic tale with these captivating figurines. Whether displayed as a centerpiece in your home or added to your Disney collection, these figurines are sure to bring joy and wonder to any admirer of the Princess and the Frog tale. Discover the captivating magic of Tiana and Naveen and cherish the essence of true love with these enchanting collectibles.
At City Lights Collectibles, we offer these Princess and the Frog figurines, giving Disney enthusiasts the chance to embrace the magic of this heartwarming story. Plus, for orders over $89, we're delighted to offer free ground shipping, allowing you to bring the enchantment of Tiana and Naveen right to your doorstep.
Since 1989, City Lights Collectibles has been a steadfast presence in the world of collectibles and holiday decor. With a rich history spanning over three decades, our extensive experience speaks volumes about our dedication to curating and offering the finest collectible treasures. Our expertise shines through in our exceptional array of Princess and the Frog collectibles, a testament to our commitment to quality. Our legacy is not just one of commerce but of family values and a shared commitment to exceptional customer service. At City Lights Collectibles, our journey is one of experience, dedication, and a shared love for the world of collectibles. “Being a family business is something we are incredibly proud of. We enjoy your patronage and hope to exceed your expectations” - Brian Young.